You know how important blogging is, but you just don’t have the time. It keeps getting pushed further down your to-do list.
These seven small business blogging tips from Social Media Today can help you tame the blogging beast, whether you have a small business or you just blog for fun.
1. Create a schedule. Social Media Today suggests starting off with one 300-500-word blog a week. Make it manageable, keep a schedule, and stick to it.
2. Get help. Maintaining a small business blog doesn’t have to mean that you have to write every single thing yourself. Train an employee to update the blog and let them loose. Consider using guest posts from vendors, bloggers and others on your blog.
3. Keep an idea log. One of the biggest obstacles to blogging is a lack of ideas. When inspiration hits, take note. Keep an idea file with blog topics. Store them in a file on your computer or use online storage systems such as Google Drive. Keep them in a place that is easily accessible when you blog.
Read more ideas here.