The color palette for your website is extremely important. It says a lot about your company and your culture.
Colors bring out emotions and your visitors will relate those feelings toward your company. Make sure you are giving your customers the right feeling. A recent study found that 90% of snap judgments made about products can be based on color alone.
Yet another found that purchasing intent is effected by colors due to the impact they have on how a brand is perceived.
Here are some of the emotions associated with each color:
Yellow: Optimism, clarity, and warmth
Orange: friendliness, cheerfulness, and confidence
Red: Excitement, youth, and boldness
Purple: Creativity, imagination, and wisdom
Blue: Trust, dependabilty, and strength
Green: Peace, growth, and health
Gray: Balance, neutrality, and calm
Another thing to keep in mind is color preferences based on gender. Joe Hallock’s Colour Assignments pegged the favorite for both genders as blue, with purple coming in as a close second for women and green for men. Both genders aren’t very fond of orange.
When you are designing a website or determining your color palette be sure you keep these colors in mind and what your visitors will feel from each color.