When individuals and brands first begin blogging, they often start out with a grand plan for scheduling well-researched content with clearly established goals and deadlines for each piece. Then — of course — life gets in the way and the idea of... (Read More)
Most businesses know Facebook is constantly tweaking its algorithm. This presents a challenge to those looking to garner exposure and attract a strong audience for their brands. Here are four tips that you might not have heard of to bump up your... (Read More)
According to researcher and author Dr. Robert Cialdini, there are six proven methods of persuasion that can be used to influence others: Reciprocity, scarcity, consistency, authority, likability, and social proof. When it comes to marketing, these... (Read More)
Whether you run a sales team or an entire business, you must have a social media strategy to survive. It's essential to social networking and connecting with the top influencers in your industry. However, there are other benefits, such as... (Read More)
There are millions of company pages on LinkedIn, so if your brand isn't already active on LinkedIn, now is the time to get started. It costs nothing to start a company page and there are countless benefits to doing so: greater digital footprint (and... (Read More)
Here's a fun game to play. Hop on to Google and let it try to guess what you're searching for. The results can either be hilarious, disturbing or a little bit of both. In the spirit of this game, we decided to see if it had any practical... (Read More)
What can a professional web designer do for you? First of all, they can help you stay competitive. Look at your competitors' websites and if you're quietly impressed by what you see, it probably means it's time for a site refresh.
You have a... (Read More)
User experience is the name of the game. It's the big thing for web-friendly endeavors and is often the difference between success and failure.
So what is it?
User experience, or UX, is kind of self-explanatory. Simply put, it gets to the... (Read More)
Let's say you sell garden supplies. When is the time to increase your SEO marketing efforts? If you said summer, that's not exactly the right answer. In fact, you should probably begin your efforts well before the planting season, say late... (Read More)